Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Ive been away for a while, trying to catch up with school and the end of the year craziness! I know, excuses, excuses.... I just added "blog more"to my New Year Resolutions, one more challenge that I hope to accomplish!

I know it might sound cliche but I believe I would start my first post by wishing a really happy 2012 to all of us! Hope 2012 bring you what you hope for, that you try to succeed in what you love and try without fear of failing. And that you dream, a LOT! I'm sure with persistence, hard work, a good heart  you will achieve everything you need!

I can't complain about 2011, I learned so much! Specially from my mistakes. I truly saw how important it is to fail and really learn from my mistakes and most important, accept them. Nobody's perfect and we are all learning. I'm sure I know nothing compared to what I will know someday and I thank everyone who joined me in this ride and is supporting me in so many ways. I truly appreciate the LOVE. AND I do hope 2012 brings a better energy with it, a better world, with more LOVE for everyone. LOVE to people around you, for people on the subway, people driving on the same highway, people next door, people in the stores, people from a different religion trying to pass LOVE along. No matter what, LOVE is the most powerful tool we have and I hope this year people everybody can truly use it and FEEL it :)

Speaking of love, I just returned from a lovely family vacation spent in the warmest part of the country this time of the year: Miami! It was my third time visiting the city in the sunshine state and I truly believe it was the best so far! We escaped from the cold in NYC to hit the always beautiful ocean along the Florida coast and to top it up, we headed up to Orlando to ring the New Year with Mickey Mouse! Seriously, you can't get more magic than that!
Hope it brings a really magical year to all of us :) That's what I wished for at midnight!

Radiate LOVE.   This year it's going to be about love. Can you feel it?

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